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Take 50% Off Red Clothing On 2/5/16 For #GoRedWearRed Heart Disease & Stroke Awareness


Tomorrow Only (Friday, February 5th, 2016) Take 50% off dry cleaning on all red clothing items brought into one of our 25 convenient Pilgrim Dry Cleaners locations. Just mention this promotion to receive the discount.
This promotion is in honor of ‪#‎nationalwearredday‬ tomorrow Friday, February 5th for ‪#‎goredwearred‬ to raise awareness for heart disease & stroke which cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year. Go Red For Women inspires women to make lifestyle changes, mobilize communities, and shape policies to save lives.
Tips from the Go Red For Women Website to control your risk for heart disease:
1) Get Active: 30 minutes of moderate physical activity 5x per week can lower your risk for heart disease, stroke & diabetes.
2) Control Cholesterol: Lower your cholesterol by eating whole & multi-grain foods such as bran & oats. Eat fatty fish, such as salmon & tuna, antioxidant rich foods, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as avocados, flax seed & olive oil. Also, eat foods rich in plant sterols, such as nuts like walnuts & almonds. Avoid animal products high in saturated fat (beef, lamb, pork, dairy, egg yolk), fried foods, high-fat processed meats (hot dogs & sausages), simple sugars (soda, candy, cake) & saturated oils.
3) Eat Better: Track what you eat, eat more fruits & veggies, eat whole-grain foods, eat fish twice per week, cut back on added sugars saturated fats.
4) Manage Blood Pressure: Reduce sodium, get regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, manage stress & avoid alcohol & tobacco smoke.
5) Lose Weight
6) Reduce Blood Sugar: Reduce consumption of simple sugars found in soda, candy & sugary desserts. Get regular physical activity, take medications & insulin if it is prescribed to you.
7) Stop Smoking
Read The Full Article Here:

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